Release Configuration with Approval Flows

To create a new release, select “Release Templates” from the left side-bar.

a. Release Templates

All the existing releases are listed here. Click on “+ Create Release” to access the Ozone Pipeline Studio.

b. Release Creation

Add a name to the release and proceed to select either an approval step, a pipeline, or a webhook for automated triggers.

c. Adding Pipelines to the Release

Select “Add an Existing Pipeline” to view all the existing pipelines. Select the required pipeline.

Map the environment, microservice and the cluster to the pipeline along with a run timeout value if needed. Select “Add Pipeline” to add it onto the canvas.

d. Adding approvals to the release

There are two channels to push approvals for the releases: through Slack or Jira. Select Slack/Jira approval, give a name for this step, and map it to the Slack channel or Jira webhook ID and select “Save”. This adds the approval flow into the release.

Once all the pipelines, webhooks, and approval flows are added into the release, click on “Complete Release Creation”.

e. Mapping parameters to the release

You will need to map parameters like the image tags, repo branch, YAML strings, and other deployment parameters (Canary or bluegreen or others depending on the deployment pipelines) before saving the release template.

Once you save the template, you will find it under the list view of the “Release Templates” screen.

Last updated