
  1. Active Cluster

After logging in, Click on the Setup in the left-sidebar:

Then, Click on Resources:

You can see the list of Resources. Click on the Clusters :

Click on the “Attach“ button on the top right corner to attach a cluster :

Enable “Backups“ to install Velero in the cluster :

Download the generated file :

Copy the command and run it on your cluster :

In some time your cluster should be active and you can see it on the dashboard :

  1. Integration with MinIO storage. Click on Resources and then Click on Integrations :

  1. Click on the button that says “Create a new Integration“in the top right corner :

  1. Select MINIO to create a MINIO Integration :

  1. Enter all the details and click on “Create Integration“ to create :

  1. After creating a MinIO integration and attaching a cluster, you should be ready to take snapshots, schedule snapshots, and restore snapshots as well!

Last updated