Manage Secret


Secrets are key-value pairs that can have a global value or environment specific value, based on your use case .They are stored securely in a vault and Ozone injects them into the pipeline runtime on-demand. The secrets are cleaned up once the pipeline run ends.

Steps to create a secret

  1. Once you log in to Ozone, select Resources on the left sidebar under Setup

  1. After clicking on Resources a menu appears, click on Secrets to get the Secrets page

  1. After this users can click on the + New Secret button to open the modal window for variable creation

  1. This will open the modal window for secret creation

  1. Users can choose the scope of the secrets to either be global or environment-specific according to their use case a. Global Secret By default a global variable is set at initial, the user can set any value to the secret which will be accessible throughout all the Environments

b. Local secret To create a local variable, simply toggle the switch as shown below. Users can enter the value for the variables according to the Environments they desire

  1. Once the user is done entering the values, they can click on the Create Button to create the variable

  2. Once the Variables have Successfully been created it will be shown in the form of a tabular list, as shown below. In the table list, you can see what the type of secret is created

Steps to edit/view a secret

  1. Click on the pen icon highlighted below to Edit/view the secret details

  1. This will open the modal window with the existing details of the secrets. The user can edit or change the details accordingly The secret name can't be edited after it's created

  1. Once the user has Edited the necessary details, Click on Save.

  2. The user will be able to see the changes in the table as shown below

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