Configuring Rollbacks at Pipeline Template

Pipeline rollbacks are a crucial aspect of any continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) process, allowing teams to revert to a previous version of their application or infrastructure in case of errors or issues detected after a deployment. Here's a breakdown of pipeline rollbacks:

Definition: A pipeline rollback is the process of reverting to a previous state of an application or infrastructure after a deployment, typically triggered in response to failures, errors, or unexpected behavior detected in the current version.


  • Mitigating Risks: Rollbacks help mitigate risks associated with deploying new changes by providing a mechanism to quickly revert to a known stable state.

  • Restoring Service Availability: In the event of deployment failures or issues impacting service availability, rollbacks enable teams to restore service functionality promptly.

  • Ensuring Data Integrity: Rollbacks help maintain data integrity by preventing potential data loss or corruption resulting from faulty deployments.

In Ozone, while creating a pipeline we give an option for rollback. In case of failure, it will roll back to the pipeline which you have selected.

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