
Currently, we are supporting Trivy for scanning vulnerabilities, very soon we will be supporting Snyk and Anchore

Checking Vulnerability Scan Report:

To access the security scan reports, follow these steps:

  1. In the left sidebar, Click Security and then select Monitor

  1. It redirects to the new screen where you can see the security dashboard

  1. Click on the Calendar icon which is in the top right corner of the dashboard where you can select the date, week, or month to check the vulnerability report

  1. Now you can discover the following vulnerabilities for the selected period

  1. Click on the Filter icon which is in the top right corner of the dashboard where you can specifically select the Environments, Clusters, Pipelines, Microservices, and Severity. Then Click on "Apply"

  1. Now you can discover the following vulnerabilities for the selected period and applied filters

Last updated