Managing Helm charts

Select “Helm Channels” from the resources screen.

Select the “Charts” tab from the resulting screen to view all the Helm charts currently on the platform.

a. Uploading Helm chart

Click on “+ Upload chart” on the top-right corner of the above screen. Then you need to select the Private Helm channel to upload the chart.

Select “Harbor” as the provider, select a project, and upload the chart. Once done, the new Helm chart will be visible in the Chart view screen.

b. Create a new Helm application

Click on any of the Helm charts to open the detailed view screen.

Select “Create Helm App” button which opens a pop-up where you need to map the environments for the app, give it a name, a description, verify that the Helm chart associated with the app is correct, and click on “Create”. You will see the new app created and listed under the “Microservices” screen, the navigation for which can be done from the left side-bar.

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