Jenkins Pipeline

a. Resources > Providers Click on the “Resources” tab from the left-hand menu. Select the Providers.

b. Create New CD Provider

The screen updates to a view showing available providers. Click on “Create a New Provider”. at the top right corner

c. Select CD as a Provider

Select Continuous Deployment to connect with Jenkins

d. Select Jenkins

Select the provider from which you want to integrate your CD provider onto Ozone. For now, let us go ahead with the Jenkins Pipeline

e. Onboard Your Jenkins Provider

Give a name, description, Jenkins URL, username, and personal access token to connect Jenkins as a provider. After filling in the details click on "Test my Integration" f. Integration Successful

You can see the toaster message indicating the Integration is successful. Then click on Submit.

Your Jenkins provider will now be visible in the provider list view screen while navigating from the “Resources” tab in the menu.

Last updated