On Demand Delivery
As a software developer or a platform engineer, focus on developing code rather than deal with the complexities of deploying to Kubernetes Clusters
There is a need for on-demand infra to minimize development costs, rather than have non-production and temporary clusters running permanently
There is a need for developers to re-use existing standards of deployments without the need to re-invent the CI/CD wheel or understand the underlying aspects of kubernetes
Software developers need an easy way to access information from the cluster for the need to debug applications during the pre-deployment phase
Ozone lets a user spin up clusters on demand from the CI/CD workflows and have them cleaned up. Alternatively, it can also be done through the UI, subject to RBAC
Ozone lets you consume workflow templates from a central account specific library. Software developers only need to consume these standards, whereas the definition can be done by senior architects
Superior workflow logs and workload visibility for better cross - functional visibility
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