Triggers for CI/CD
Triggering a Release from Ozone's Schedules
Navigate to the application in context (Application -> Select Application)
Navigate to Schedules
Click on "ADD" for the release you would like to schedule
Enter the schedule name and timing
Map it to a Release by applying this schedule to a Release workflow
Click on "SCHEDULE" to enforce the pipeline to run in a scheduled fashion
Release runs are now visible under the Application -> Release Runs section
Click on a Release run to view it's current status and logs
Triggering a Release from external systems
In addition to on-demand and scheduled release executions, Ozone offers you a templated way to trigger release (and pipelines) by listening to events on an external system. Ozone supports the following platforms natively:
Supported External Systems:
Supports triggers from Branch Pushes and Pull Requests
Supports triggers from Branch Pushes and Pull Requests
Supports triggers from Branch Pushes and Pull Requests
Trigger from any external system that is not supported by Ozone (for example, Postman)
Setting Up External Triggers
Integrate the supported providers (Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket) from the ecosystem integrations
Navigate to the Webhooks section (Deployment Config -> Webhooks)
Select the external system to respond to
Select the repositories and events to watch
Select the application that it maps to on Ozone
Select the Releases that need to be executed on this webhook being triggered
The Release executes when the external system triggers it based on the webhook setup
Release runs are visible under the Application -> Release Runs section when the triggers get executed
Click on a Release run to view it's current status and logs
Last updated
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