Managing Helm Releases

Use ozone to deploy applications that are packaged as a helm chart


  • You must have a helm channel setup to sync charts

  • You must have created a helm application

Syncing a helm channel

Ozone supports two types of helm channels:

  • Public helm channels, which implies that they are hosted over https and are available for general public access

  • Private helm channels, which are typically hosted on custom instances such as harbor or jfrog and are available on a private network

To sync a public helm channel, follow the procedure listed below

  • Navigate to resources on the side bar

  • Select Helm Channels, the default tab is for the registered public helm channel instances

  • Click on +New Channel

  • Fill in the URL, name and description

  • Charts are synced and are visible in the "Charts" tab

To sync a private helm channel, follow the procedure listed below

We currently support Harbor and JFrog instances as private helm channel sources. These must be diallable from Ozone's Control Plane as a pre-requisite.

  • Click on +New Channel

  • Select Helm Channels, the default tab is for the registered public helm channel instances

  • Navigate to resources on the side bar

  • Select Private Helm channel tab

  • Click on +New Channel

  • Choose the type of private helm channel provider and fill in the authentication credentials

  • On click of Save, charts are synced and are visible in the Charts tab

Creating a helm microservice

We abstract a chart as a helm microservice in order to manage the state of the deployed workload. With ozone's RBAC, the team can manage helm releases visually on any synced Kubernetes cluster with minimal day 2 operations from the Platform Engineering teams.

  • Navigate to Microservices on the sidebar

  • Click on +Create Microservice

  • Select the Helm Microservice option from the dropdown options

  • Give a name, description and map environments to the helm microservice

  • Choose any of the charts that you would like to manage releases for

  • Click on +Create

Deploying a Helm Microservice

Deploy, Upgrade and Edit Helm charts on any kubernetes clusters using Ozone.

To deploy a helm microservice, follow the steps given below:

  • Navigate to helm releases on the sidebar

  • Click on +Create Helm Release

  • Enter the release name

  • Add the target cluster(s) and the namespace(s) that you would like this microservice to deploy to

  • The helm microservice should now be deployed to the target environment

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