Standalone Pipeline Runs
Ozone pipelines are a sequence of tasks that typically do not require approvals. They can be run unmapped to a microservices
Run Pipelines that are typically periodic and do not require gated approvals. Typical use cases include nightly builds and security scans and so on.
For use cases such as nightly builds, security scans and QA checks, we suggest you encapsulate them into a pipeline individually that can be run on any target Kubernetes cluster.
Ozone supports three sources for executing pipeline:
Pipeline runs triggered from Ozone's UI
Pipeline runs that are scheduled by the user
Pipeline runs that are triggered by external systems and events
Triggering a Pipeline Run from Ozone's UI
For intermittent and on-demand use cases, a person who has permission to execute a pipeline within a project shall have access to trigger an execution with a mouse-click.
To perform an on-demand pipeline run, do the following:
Navigate to the Pipelines Section on the sidebar menu
Click on Initiate Pipeline Run
Specify the following details
The microservice that this pipeline shall deploy (optional)
The environment that this pipeline shall have access to
The cluster that this pipeline shall run on
The pipeline should start executing within Ozone studio
Observe task logs by double clicking on any task that is currently executing / has finished execution
Click on Run Details to inspect input params and results.
Triggering a Pipeline from Schedules
Ozone supports Hourly, Daily and Weekly pipeline runs. To run a pipeline in a scheduled fashion, do the following:
Navigate to Schedules
Click on "Create Schedule"
Enter the schedule name and timing
Map it to a pipeline by applying this schedule to a Pipeline resource
Map any parameters that this pipeline will require to run
Save the schedule
Triggering a Pipeline from external systems and events
In addition to on-demand and scheduled pipeline executions, Ozone offers you a templated way to trigger pipelines (and releases) by listening to events on an external system. Ozone supports the following platforms natively:
Supported External Systems:
Supports triggers from Branch Pushes and Pull Requests
Supports triggers from Branch Pushes and Pull Requests
Supports triggers from Branch Pushes and Pull Requests
Trigger from any external system that is not supported by Ozone (for example, Postman)
To trigger pipelines from systems that are not supported by ozone, setup a generic webhook
Setting Up External Triggers
Integrate the supported providers (Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket) from the ecosystem integrations
Navigate to the Triggers section
Select the triggers tab
Select the external system to respond to
Select the repositories and events to watch
Select the application that it maps to on Ozone
Select the pipelines that need to be executed on this webhook being triggered
The pipeline executes when the external system triggers it based on the webhook setup and is visible on the pipelines section
Click on a pipeline run to view it's current status and logs
Rollback Pipelines
For every pipeline within Ozone, you may choose to optionally link a pipeline that runs in case of a failure within a pipeline run. This can be setup mapped to a template from Pipelines & Tasks -> GUI Editor -> Select rollback Pipeline
Last updated
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