Setting up a Workload for Cross Cloud Delivery
Creating a Custom Microservice
An application in the context of Ozone is a microservice that is mapped to a repository, a registry or a helm chart.
By creating applications, you can deploy the microservice for both public and private access through a workflow with in-built secret management.
You should have synced a source control repository from the ecosystem integrations
You should have synced a registry that Ozone can push to and pull from from the ecosystem integrations
You should have a cluster synced to ozone with Helm and Tekton enabled from the cluster settings at the very least
How do I set it up a custom microservice?
Navigate to Microservices on the side bar
Click on +New Microservice
Select the Custom Application type
Enter the name, description and the environments this microservice has access to
Select a repository from the available providers within the current project to pull the code from
If this is a pure container image, disable the CI option and Ozone will orchestrate just the CD flows
Enter the dockerfile location relative to the root of the repository structure
Select the namespace that the application will be deployed to on any given cluster
Expose the service suitably from the given options
Supported options are ClusterIP, Nodeport, Loadbalancer and Ingress
Map the registry to push this application to
Select how you would like to expose this service (Nodeport, Load Balancer, Cluster IP, Ingress)
Creating a Helm Microservice
A Helm Application is one that is typically provided by third party vendors to your organization and you are using a helm chart to deploy it to any given Kubernetes Cluster
You should have enabled Helm for the target clusters that you would like to deploy to.
You must have at least one public or private helm channel linked to Ozone
How do I setup a Helm Application?
Navigate to Applications
Click on +CREATE
Select Helm Application as the type to create
Select the Helm Chart that you would like this app to represent
Click on SUBMIT to save the application
You can now create Helm Releases for each application
Last updated
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