Setting up Alerts
Ozone gives you the ability to watch events across your CI/CD lifecycle. Get notified and take action on the events of significance with ease. Ozone supports alerts for the following scenarios:
Kubernetes Events
Rule Based Alerts for Cluster Metrics
CI/CD Workflow Events (Ozone System Events)
Kubernetes Event Alerts
You must have a cluster synced to Ozone
You must watch the clusters to receive alerts (Resources -> Clusters -> Click on "Watch")
An account admin should have enabled the events to watch across clusters from Settings -> Event Config
An account admin should have an SMTP provider setup for the case of email notifications
None! As long as the prerequisites are ready, you should start receiving alerts for the events on the clusters that you are watching on Ozone.
Cluster Metric Alerts
You must have a cluster synced to Ozone
You must watch the clusters to receive alerts (Resources -> Clusters -> Click on "Watch")
An account admin should have enabled the events to watch across clusters from Settings -> Event Config
An account admin should have an SMTP provider setup for the case of email notifications
Managing Metric Alerts
To manage alerts, you must be an account admin
Ozone provides a set of essential alerts out of the box. You may also create custom alerts using PromQL.
Alerts can be setup from Settings -> Metric Alert Config
You can apply alerts to specific clusters. To do this, click on the overflow icon of a cluster, and edit the settings.
Once this is done, notifications will propagate to a user who is watching the cluster(s) in context.
CI/CD Workflow Alerts (System Events)
You must have a cluster synced to Ozone
You must watch the clusters to receive cluster level alerts (Resources -> Clusters -> Click on "Watch")
You must watch an application to receive CI/CD workflow level alerts (Resources -> Applications -> Click on "Watch")
None! The events that are currently supported are as follows
Cluster Creating - Occurs when the Cluster is being created from Ozone
Cluster Synced - Occurs once the Cluster is ready for CI/CD
Pipeline Run Started - Occurs whenever a pipeline executes within Ozone
Pipeline Run Completed - Occurs whenever a pipeline completes its execution within Ozone
Release Run Started - Occurs whenever the first step of a Release starts within Ozone
Release Run Completed - Occurs whenever the final step of a Release occurs within Ozone
Last updated
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