Steps to be followed:
To create a Dynatrace OAuth client on your Dynatrace instance, first, click on the profile icon in the bottom left corner of the screen and select 'Account Management'.
Select the appropriate account & then, from the top menu bar select Identity & Access Management> OAuth clients > Create New OAuth Client.
In the OAuth Client Form, enter your email address. Then mandatorily select the following checkboxes and enable the below permissions.
Click on Create a Client to create the OAuth Client with the below-specified permissions.
After this, you will be shown (only once) the Client ID, Client Secret & Resource. Make sure to make a note of this, as this is needed to create the Dynatrace Integration on Ozone. Finally, create the integration on Ozone to view all supported Dynatrace features.
View logs storage:logs:read
View events storage:events:read
View metrics storage:metrics:read
View Grail buckets storage:buckets:read
View entities storage:entities:read
Last updated