Amazon ECR

Steps to be followed:

  • Login to your AWS console

  • Create a role ARN with the following permissions

  • Enter the role ARN to save the AWS account as a provider


  • ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability

  • ecr.GetAuthorizationToken

  • ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLaye

  • ecr:GetRepositoryPolicy

  • ecr:DescribeRepositories

  • ecr:ListImages

  • ecr:DescribeImages

  • ecr:BatchGetImage

  • ecr:GetLifecyclePolicy

  • ecr:GetLifecyclePolicyPreview

  • ecr:ListTagsForResource

  • ecr:DescribeImageScanFindings

  • ecr:InitiateLayerUpload

  • ecr:UploadLayerPart

  • ecr:CompleteLayerUpload

  • ecr:ecr:CreateRepository

  • ecr:PutImage

  • ecr-public:DescribeRepositories

  • ecr-private:DescribeRepositories

Last updated